- 19-20 April 2016 Stop Litter Now! Summit
- May 2016 Lets Clean Up Europe Day

Background Today, two NGOs Rethink Plastic Alliance and Break Free From Plastic released a [report](https://rethinkplas

Today, the European Commission issued reasoned opinions to Greece, Cyprus, and Bulgaria for failing to comply with the W

Last week, the Commission initiated an infringement procedure against France by sending a letter of formal notice (see [

The Clean Europe Network is a pan-European platform where organisations active in the field of litter prevention share experience, expertise, best pra...

The Clean Europe Network brings together litter prevention organisations from across Europe

The Clean Europe Network’s activities and its Secretariat are overseen by the President and Board of the European Litt

None of the NGOs which made statements contacted us for clarification before making claims and allegations ...

In the past 18 months, the Network has dedicated the majority of its time and available resources to developing and testing two common European approa...

The Clean Europe Network was set up to share knowledge and best practice and to develop common approaches where there is added value in a European app...

The Clean Europe Network works to enhance the initiatives of its individual member organisations and share their collective experience with the world

On Wednesday 27 & Thursday 28 November, Clean Europe Network was in Oslo, Norway to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of

Clean Europe Network, represented by Secretariat member Christos Tzagkas, participated in the 6th National Urban Cleanli

The phenomenon of litter has existed for some time, but its scale has increased in recent times

Changing that behaviour requires direct interaction with the people who are susceptible to do the wrong thing

Positive actions that can encourage people to dispose of their waste in a responsible way include civic pride, clean-up campaigns, partnerships ...

The Clean Europe Network is always looking to expand. Join us to participate in the StopLitterNow! Summit and other comm

If you want to help out the Clean Europe Network and its members, there are many ways for you to be directly involved

Companies have a vital role to play in promoting responsible behaviour by citizens and reduce litter

The European Commission issued a series of legislative proposals to update EU waste rules. These proposals contain important provisions addressing lit...

Urban and rural cleansing programmes cost billions across the EU. A significant portion of this cost could be avoided by better litter prevention

The Clean Europe Network Secretariat is located at the heart of the EU capital at Avenue Livingstone 13-15.
Tel: +32 2 286 94 93