The European Litter Prevention Association

The Return on Cleanliness

10 November 2015

NederlandSchoon holds the annual “Het Rendement van Schoon” Congress on Wednesday 18 November 2015. The conference title can loosely be translated as “The Return on Cleanliness”. It is a meeting place for litter prevention experts from all over the Netherlands to discuss and showcase the real benefits of litter prevention.

This conference’s main theme will be “Cleaner together” and will focus on the essential benefits of collaboration for litter prevention purposes.

Topics to be discussed:

  • Tackling litter in and along the water.
  • Waste is a resource, always and everywhere.
  • How can “Supporter van Schoon” contribute locally and regionally?
  • How can the Litter Fee benefit your municipality?
  • Clean experience in public transport.
  • Influencing behaviour in public spaces.
  • Management of public spaces within shopping areas.

Summit details:

Wednesday 18 November 2015,
between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm -
Media Plaza, Utrecht,
The Netherlands