The European Litter Prevention Association

The Commission calls on France to correctly transpose the SUPD into national law

7 October 2024
Last week, the Commission initiated an infringement procedure against France by sending a letter of formal notice (see here) for failing to correctly transpose the Single-Use Products (Plastics) Directive (SUPD) into national law. In fact, the Commission assessed that France has not been able to transpose in a clean and precise manner several definitions of the Directive such as the definition of “producer”. Additionally, the French law does not ensure that producers of certain beverage bottles covered by the SUPD are subject to relevant requirements foreseen in the Directive.

France has now two months to respond and explain how it will correctly transpose the SUPD. In case the response is considered unsatisfactory by the Commission, then a reasoned opinion will be issue which if not respected can result in fines imposed by the EU to France for violation of environmental laws.

Clean Europe Network regrets to see that, still after 5 years from the enter into force of the Directive, EU Member States struggle to correctly implement a legislation that is considered essential in reducing litter in Europe. Therefore, since the new mandate of the Commission will be one of implementing existing laws, it is imperative that each Member States transposes and implements properly such laws. The Network will continue to monitor the implementation phase of the SUPD and keep calling on national authorities to respect their legal obligations.

The Secretariat will keep you informed on the latest developments.